23rd May 2013: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
New Norwegian Cables to Germany and Great Britain On 15th May 2013 the Norwegian transmission system operator, Statnet, announced that agreements on new interconnectors to Germany and Great Britain have been signed. The capacity of each cable will be 1,400 MW. They are expected to be ready for operation by 2018 and 2020. In 2009 the Danish TSO, Energinet.dk, signed a cooperation agreement with the Dutch TSO, TenneT, on the preparation of a new HVDC interconnection between Denmark and the Netherlands, the COBRA project. In 2012 Energinet.dk and National Grid agreed to analyse the possibility of an interconnection between Denmark and Great Britain. Energinet.dk has published its Grid Development Plan 2013. The report gives an excellent overview of the grid planning process in Denmark including perspectives until 2050. The plans are prepared for adjustments for changing conditions such as large offshore wind parks and new interconnectors. The COBRA cable is assumed to be ready for operation before 2022. The cable to Great Britain is mentioned only as an option.
![]() There will be about 6 GW wind power installed in Denmark by 2020. It is currently being discussed publicly if the thermal production capacity will be 3 or 6 GW. Energinet.dk has stated that no capacity market is being planned in Denmark. The Danish strategy for security of supply is based on power market forces and an offensive expansion of the interconnections. It remains to be seen how the new wind farms and the new interconnectors will change the trade patterns and the spot prices. Statnett obviously follows the strategy as presented in its Grid Development Plan 2010 in order to pave the way for an increasing Norwegian export of balancing services. The following Danish interconnector capacities are expected by 2022 according to Energinet.dk's Grid Development Plan 2013:
* Offshore wind farm
Opdateret d. 23.5.2013