Download Hourly Time Series

A selection of my data is available for download here. The data has been stored in a tree structure with the following three levels:
 - Year
 - Nation
 - Region
The collection of data includes the following types of data:
 - Load MW: total electricity consumption
 - Wind MW: total wind power production
 - Net export MW: Net exchange, export>0
 - Spot price €/MWh: NordPool and EEX spot prices
 - Balancing prices €/MWh: Nordic Operation Information System (NOIS)
 - System prices (SSP and SBP) £/MWh: Great Britain
 - Onshore wind MW: onshore wind power production
 - Offshore wind MW: offshore wind power production
 - PV MW: solar photovoltaic production
 - Nuclear MW: nuclear power production
 - CO2 t/h: CO2 emissions

Please report any problems or errors by mail to "pfbpost" at "gmail" dot "com".
I would welcome information on studies and analyses using my data, and I would appreciate a reference to the data source in publications based on this collection of data.
Data sources:

Germany: (former EnBW) **
Ireland (Republic of Ireland):
Great Britain (England, Wales and Scotland): (login required)
Data extracted from the eCO2mix/RTE web site by Hubert Flocard
Spain, Red Eléctrica de España (Address includes date):
Data provided by Hubert Flocard
The Czech Republic::
For 2015 each sheet includes the source.

* ENTSO-E data are preliminary and incomplete. Estimates replace missing data. Share of replacements in %. Cells with estimated data are yellow in the datasheets."
** ENTSO-E reservation on German load data:
According to experience gained in the past before the liberalization of the electricity industry, these values cover around 91% of the total supply. That means that industry's own production for own consumption and some parts of German railways are not included in the "Common / Public supply" and the hourly load values for that part are not available.
In 2009 I collected Danish and German time series from 2006 to 2008 for the Renewable Energy Foundation in London. The data was used for a study on wind power and spot prices. Since then data for the following years has been added to the collection and the geographic coverage has been extended to all German control areas and to other countries.
With a limited access to facts interested people are discussing the smoothing of wind power output by international aggregation. Hopefully the easy access to relevant time series of data will contribute to a more qualified discussion.
The publishers of the data in the countries concerned are using different data formats and different download procedures. It is time consuming to download, convert, check and correct time series from different countries. Common procedures and formats could be helpful.
Opdateret d. 16.2.2022